Endgame lessons

Rating Goal Lessons
800 Checkmate with a Queen and King #1
Checkmate with a Queen and King #2
Checkmate with a Queen and King #3
Checkmate with a Queen and King #4
Checkmate with a Queen and King #5
Checkmate with a Queen and King #6
Checkmate with a Queen and King #7
900 Checkmate with a Rook and King #1
1000 1
1100 2
1200 3 4 5
1300 6 7
1400 8 9 10 11
1500 12 13 14 15 16
1600 17 18 19
1700 21a 21b 22 30
1800 23 24 27 28
1900 25 26 31
2000 Pending

Endgames are essential knowlege that people often ignore.   The lessons here provide everything that you need to become a class A player at endgames.